Have your say on the Sydney Road through-traffic restriction.

The council has installed a through-traffic restriction on Sydney Road (at its junction with New Sydney Place) in a six-month trial and is inviting residents to have their say during a six-month consultation.

It comprises a row of bollards placed across Sydney Road to prevent vehicles from passing through. According to B&NES, Its purpose is to prevent the road being used by motorists as a shortcut to avoid the Bathwick Street/Beckford Road (A36) traffic lights; and to create a safe and pleasant walking and cycling route through the area. Vehicle access to homes and businesses is maintained from either side of the restriction and parking arrangements in the area are unchanged.

During the trial, B&NES council will also monitor any impacts on traffic and air quality and no decision will be made on permanently adopting the scheme until all the evidence collected during the trial has been considered.  

If you regularly visit or travel through the area, please take the consultation questionnaire at www.bathnes.gov.uk/sydneyroadetro or contact LNs@bathnes.gov.uk for printed or alternative formats.