Policy & Finance

The Chairman has lead responsibility for policy and finance. The Deputy Chairman and Clerk also sit on this group.

Each year the council applies for a precept from B&NES which comes directly from your council tax. This allows the council to provide local services. We have capped the precept since 2009/2010 to reflect the national period of austerity we all face. If you would like to see how your money is spent, please see the accounts. The accounts are audited annually by an independent accountant.

We are a member of the Valley Parishes Alliance which was launched in June 2010. This group is a cross-parish alliance comprising the parish councils of Avon & Limpley Stoke Valley which crosses the boundaries of B&NES and Wiltshire Council. It is intended that the alliance will carry more weight when making representations to local bodies such as B&NES, Canal and River Trust etc.

Unaudited Accounts for Financial Year 2023-24

Notice of rights to inspect unaudited accounting statements

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2023-24

Analysis of variances 2023-24

Analysis of variances explanations 2023-24 – Receipts

Analysis of variances explanations 2023-24 – Reserves

Bank reconciliation 2023-24

Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-24

Annual Internal Audit Report explanations 2023-24

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)                  Statement 2022/23 

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)                  Statement 2021/22 

Notice of Conclusion of External Audit

The accounts have been subject to external audit in addition to our independent internal audit. Please find the notices and documentation below, for financial year 2020/21.

AGAR Sections 1 & 2
AGAR Section 3
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020-21

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)                  Statement 2020/21 

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)                  Statement 2019/20 

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) received:
2018/2019 Financial Year = sum of £3,037.90     
2019/2020 Financial Year = sum of £3,037.90 and £3,129.96
Total CIL received as at 31 March 2020 = £9,205.76

Total CIL committed = £6,157.43 (excl VAT) to cover the costs to upgrade the lights within the village to LED. The work was completed in May 2020 (i.e. spent in 2020/21). 
Total CIL allocated = £3,048.33 towards making improvements to the village playground and as part of a wider playground redesign project.

Notice of Conclusion of External Audit

The accounts have been subject to external audit in addition to our independent internal audit. Please find the notices and documentation below, for financial year 2019/20.

AGAR sections 1 & 2.
AGAR Section 3. 
Notice of conclusion of Audit 2019/20

Annual Audit

Every year our accounts are reviewed by external auditors. The results of which we publish here for transparency and compliance when the report becomes available.

CIL Annual Report – 2018/19

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)  received in the 2018/2019 Financial Year (FY) was for the sum of £3,037.90. The parish Council’s intention is to allocate this money and a further amount of CIL received in 2019/20 to the upgrade of lights in the village to LED. A contract was signed with SSE to deliver this work on 20th September 2019. We continue to chase to carry out the upgrade but believe the work is being delayed due to BANES tender of Street Light Maintenance. The CIL received in 2018/19 has therefore been carried forward into 2019/20 but the hope is for this work to be carried out as soon as possible.