Unaudited Accounts for Financial Year 2023-24

Notice of rights to inspect unaudited accounting statements

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2023-24

Analysis of variances 2023-24

Analysis of variances explanations 2023-24 – Receipts

Analysis of variances explanations 2023-24 – Reserves

Bank reconciliation 2023-24

Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-24

Annual Internal Audit Report explanations 2023-24

Bathampton Annual Residents meeting – 8th May 2024

The Annual Residents Meeting of Bathampton will be held in the Village Hall on 8th May 2024 at 7.30pm.

The meeting is an opportunity for the residents of the Parish of Bathampton to put forward ideas and proposals to help shape the future of the village and to raise any matters of concern.

The Council will update on subjects of interest: the closure of Sydney Road to through traffic, pedestrian safety, volunteer work to maintain the village amenities, playground improvements, bins, climate change and local action.

After the meeting there will be an opportunity to chat over drinks.

Have your say on the Sydney Road through-traffic restriction.

The council has installed a through-traffic restriction on Sydney Road (at its junction with New Sydney Place) in a six-month trial and is inviting residents to have their say during a six-month consultation.

It comprises a row of bollards placed across Sydney Road to prevent vehicles from passing through. According to B&NES, Its purpose is to prevent the road being used by motorists as a shortcut to avoid the Bathwick Street/Beckford Road (A36) traffic lights; and to create a safe and pleasant walking and cycling route through the area. Vehicle access to homes and businesses is maintained from either side of the restriction and parking arrangements in the area are unchanged.

During the trial, B&NES council will also monitor any impacts on traffic and air quality and no decision will be made on permanently adopting the scheme until all the evidence collected during the trial has been considered.  

If you regularly visit or travel through the area, please take the consultation questionnaire at www.bathnes.gov.uk/sydneyroadetro or contact LNs@bathnes.gov.uk for printed or alternative formats.

Notice of Conclusion of audit 2022-23

Each year Bathampton Parish Council completes both an internal and external audit to ensure it has sound financial processes and is compliant with legal requirements. Bathampton Parish Council has received notification that it has passed both for the financial year, 2022-23.

The notice of conclusion can be found here

The Annual return, sections 1 & 2 can be found here

The External auditors report & Certificate can be found here

Unaudited Accounts for Financial Year 2022-23

Notice of Rights to inspect unaudited accounting statements

Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2022-23

Analysis of variances 2022-23

Analysis of variances explanations 2022-23 – Receipts

Analysis of variances explanations 2022-23 – Payments

Bank reconciliation 2022-23

Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Annual Internal Audit Report explanations 2022-23

Annual Residents Meeting – 31st May 2023 at 7.30pm

The Annual Residents Meeting this year will take place at Bathampton Village Hall on 31st May at 7.30pm.
This meeting is a great opportunity for residents of the Parish to come along with their ideas, to raise any matters of concern and to get involved in the discussions that impact on the village.
The National Trust and Truespeed will be guest speaking and the Parish Council will provide an update on road safety.
Refreshments will be served following the meeting – we hope to see you there.

Canal Bridge Safety Consultation

Since 2017, we have been working on trying to improve safety across the Canal Bridge and the surrounding areas. With the news that funding for the Conker Crossing was not available due to the scale of the investment required and changes to funding criteria, BANES commissioned a safety paper on alternate options for the Canal Bridge and narrowing by Mulberry Kidz. The Parish Council has received and reviewed the findings of the paper and will undertake a public consultation to share the information and seek public feedback on the options provided.

Click here for the consultation dates and documents