CIL Statement 2019/20

Bathampton Parish Council – Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Statement 2019/20

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) received:
2018/2019 Financial Year = sum of £3,037.90     
2019/2020 Financial Year = sum of £3,037.90 and £3,129.96
Total CIL received as at 31 March 2020 = £9,205.76

Total CIL committed = £6,157.43 (excl VAT) to cover the costs to upgrade the lights within the village to LED. The work was completed in May 2020 (i.e. spent in 2020/21). 
Total CIL allocated = £3,048.33 towards making improvements to the village playground and as part of a wider playground redesign project.